2019 Universal Children’s Day-A call to Climate Action Now for the Realization of Environmental Rights

Climate Change is happening now and its effects on our lifestyle is becoming undeniable even to the meanest skeptics. We as children and youth view the phenomenon as social injustice considering that we are victims of what the older generation did to the climate. Whilst echoing our pledges and commitments towards this year’s 2019 Universal Children Day we have harmoniously selected Climate Action Now as our key demand adaptation because;
Climate is our life & only survival;
Climate is biodiversity issue;
Climate is healthcare issue;
Climate is education issue;
Climate is equality issue;
Climate is an economic issue;’
Fully aware that this stance gravitates well with the principles within our Zimbabwean National Climate Change Response Strategy of prioritizing climate change adaptation and poverty reduction. We ask you to be part of the solution.
Our humble plea is that you; Educate others about Climate Change, Reuse plastic bags, Dispose waste properly, Plant Drought Tolerant crops like sorghum and millet, Encourage Irrigation, Use energy efficiently, Use alternative nature friendly sources of energy like Solar System and Support us in all our Climate Initiatives.
Climate action cannot be tackled in silos but requires everyone on board. We are the first generation to be hard knocked by the negative impacts of climate change and we are the last generation that can do something about it before it blows off.
We the youth and children supported by the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association are calling for social justice through Climate Action Now as we celebrate our day.What are you going to do?