About the Open Government Partnership


December 2021

Compiled by Tonderai Murape

Open government partnership {OGP} is an organization founded by governments and civil society organizations and currently operates in 78 countries. OGP is  commonly defined as a culture of governance based on innovative and sustainable policies and practices  inspired by the principle of transparency and accountability and participation that fosters democracy and inclusive growth.

Technology and innovation as a tool to promote open government partnership policy in Zimbabwe

 Whereas Zimbabwe is not a member of OGP and falls short on the eligibility test. It however stands to benefit if it embraces technology and innovation in the extractive sector. As stressed fully in several journals and position papers by organizations such as Zimbabwe environmental law association [ZELA] and Publish What You Pay [PWYP] Zimbabwe chapter and many other opinion leaders. Zimbabwe needs to walk the talk!


Refers to renewing, changing or creating more effective processes of doing things. It is a process of creating new ideas to improve existing services .this becomes a catalyst for economic growth .Technological innovation is a source of business cycle .technological innovation is at the heart of economic change, it is the ultimate source of productivity and growth for consistent economic growth.


The current amendment to the mines and minerals act  is prioritizing the cadastre system to decentralize services to provinces. The current system has resulted in double pegging and overlapping of boundaries in mining communities this is the technology already embraced by many countries has proven efficient .At the click of a button one can easily access information about a mine or mining claim .This will also further attract investment ,therefore the ministry of mines and mineral development should this technology of computerized system that will address issues of mine ownership disputes and security of mining tittles .


In order for Zimbabwe to achieve the targeted billion dollar economy by 2030, value addition and beneficiation is key. Its technology ought to be supported and enhanced including the small to medium enterprises SMES The chrome that is exported raw as well as gold is a starting point the diamond cutting and polishing centre in Mt Hampden which has become a white elephant ought to be operationalised .Iron and steel is critical for the industrialization of Zimbabwe  therefore an innovative driven beneficiation framework is required to maximize economic benefits in the iron and steel sector, taking into account activities along the value chain need to invest more in technological advancement The united nations economic and social council on science technology and innovation highlights importance of science technology and innovation as critical tools to achieve millennium development goals[MDGs] technology and  innovative mantra is now a global agenda


Everyone has the right to access information that right is sacrosanct. Therefore the government of Zimbabwe should invest in information and communication technology [ICT]so that the populace can make informed decisions .For instance the majority of rural district councils[RDC] and urban  councils have no websites, social media accounts  that include twitter ,face book and Instagram,these platforms makes it easier for the public to critique ,comment on service or access information conveniently .it is one thing to have a law on access to information as in the case of Zimbabwe which scores high on OGP eligibility test but is the implementation that matters ,there is need for government of Zimbabwe to walk the talk by investing in ICT and make it accessible and affordable.

Digitalization of services and decentralization should be prioritized by the government of Zimbabwe not the current situation where everything is centralized in Harare. People traveling hundreds of miles to Harare for a service like a passport or shop license a service that can be completed at home on a computer or Smartphone.

It is my fervent view that whereas OGP policy requires openness to citizen participation and engagement in policy making and governance be that as may the government of Zimbabwe produces its national annual budgets timeously as well as the auditor general report .it is found wanting on the implementation of the recommendations as in the case of the recent auditor general report.

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