Call for Consultancy: Developing A Training Manual for Policy Makers and Duty Bearers on Environmental Child Rights in The Mining Sector: ZELA


Deadline: COB  15th February 2020

  1. Background

The Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) is a public interest environmental law organization working on the promotion of environmental justice in Southern Africa through sustainable and equitable utilization of natural resources and environmental protection. In conducting its work in the extractives industries, ZELA believes that children and youths are unique stakeholders within the sector by virtue of their age-related needs and vulnerabilities to the negative environmental impacts of mining activities as compared to adults.  To further the protection and promotion of children’s rights within the mining sector, ZELA believes in the capacitation of various stakeholders involved in the mining sector.

It is against this background that ZELA is seeking a consultant to develop a training manual on child rights-based approach to environmental management in the mining sector with specific sections for Parliamentarians, Ministry of Environment and EMA, mining companies, and civil society organisations based on their specific functions.

The objective for the manual is availing of relevant and context specific training manual to be utilised by ZELA and other partners during various training/engagement sessions with the above mentioned stakeholders on child rights approaches to environmental management through out the mining cycle that is from planning, during and post mining phases. 

2.1 Specific Terms of Reference

The consultant will be expected to:

Working closely with ZELA the following deliverables will be expected:

  • Submit an inception report with key timelines and clear methodology.
  • Produce a final, reviewed, and edited training manual.
  • Timeline

The assignment will be conducted from the 25th February 2021 to the 25th March 2021.

  • Applicant requirements/Relevant qualifications

The ideal candidate should:

  • Be a holder of bachelor’s or a Masters’ degree in law, environmental sciences or related field.
  • Show proven ability to clearly and concisely express ideas and concepts in written form.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with concepts such as child rights-based approach, environmental management and governance, children and youth participation and good governance.
  • Demonstrate ability to research, analyse and synthesise information.
  • Have experience in developing training programmes/manuals for various policy makers, duty bearers and stakeholders.
  • To apply

Persons with demonstrable experience of conducting similar work are encouraged to submit: An Expression of Interest (EOI) which is not more than 5 pages. The EOI must detail applicant’s understanding of the TORs, costs; a summary of applicant’s skills and experience relevant to conducting this kind of assignment; applicant’s Curriculum Vitae, with names of three referees and their contact details (email and phone). Applications which do not contain all the above documents will be regarded as incomplete and will not be considered. Applications must be addressed to by the 15th February 2021. The title of the consultancy should be clearly stated in the email subject and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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