Call for consultancy: Development of a Training Manual on Open Government Platform for Civil Society and Community Based Groups


Terms of Reference

1.0 Background

A local Non-Governmental Law Association seeks to carry out a training and cross learning for Publish What You Pay East and Southern Africa (PWYP ESA) members on Open Government Platform with a special focus on Open Contracting. The training seeks to strengthen financial probity of civil society organisation (CSOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) groups in mining communities and establish stronger CSO and community networks/campaigns on open contracting. There is opaque, compromised, non-compliance and poor-quality public contracting in most African countries extractive industries. This is associated with resource leakages, wastage and outright theft driven by collusion among private sector interests, technocrats and politically exposed persons. Tracking and evidencing such collusions have faced challenges due to lack of political will, weak legal frameworks, information asymmetries, unintegrated systems, destruction of relevant documents and the overall opacity of public contracting. Two countries in Southern Africa are implementing Open Government Partnership namely Malawi and Zambia. The concept of open government only emerged about a decade ago. The OECD defined it as early as 2005 as the transparency of government actions, the accessibility of government services and information, and the responsiveness of government to new ideas, demands, and needs. In 2011, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) identified three major principles underlying this concept: information transparency, public engagement, and accountability. In 2013, the European Commission also emphasized the principles of transparency, collaboration, and participation while promoting open data, open services, and open decisions. It is against this background that the organisation is calling for consultancy on the development of a training manual on open government platform with special focus on open contracting for civil society and community-based groups.

  • Main Objective of the consultancy
  • To develop a training manual on open government platform with special focus on open contracting for civil society and community-based groups
  • Specific Terms of Reference
  • Define and outline key aspects of open government platform
  • Highlight the importance of the open government platform and why CSOs and CBOs must use this platform for advocacy
  • How can CSOs and CBOs use this platform for enhanced public engagement, transparency and accountability.

3.0 Key Deliverables

  • A training manual with above mentioned objectives and specific terms of reference
  • Presentation of the manual to the organization staff
  • Training of local and regional CBOs and CSOs using the manual through physical and virtual platforms

4.0. Applicant requirements

The applicant must have the following:

  • A minimum qualification of a master’s degree in social sciences or other relevant fields
  • At least 2 years and above experience of working on revenue transparency, accountability, public engagement and open government elements in the natural resources sector or other sectors
  • Demonstrated experience on development of training manuals and capacity to train a diverse group of people
  • Evidence of published works on the above
  • Understanding and speaking of French and Portuguese languages will be an added advantage 

Interested and qualified Consultants who meet the above requirements should send their application clearly stating how they meet the requirements, a methodology to be used and the cost of the consultancy to by the 29th of October 2020. The title of the consultancy should be clearly stated in the email subject.

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