Imparting knowledge on climate change #GAM


15 November 2021

Compiled by Tadiwanashe Trish Pfende

On the 15 of November my Colleague Christine Jubane and I visited Herman Gmeiner High school in Bindura. The main purpose of this visit was to educate the students on climate change. The school headmistress insisted that we do the presentation during assembly time so as to make sure that students are not disturbed in their leaning schedule.

Our presentation was different from the one that was made for the primary students. This was so because more information was necessary for them to understand the importance of climate change. Reference was made to the Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol as well as the Zimbabwe legal Framework which is the Constitution. We are also asked questions to the students before our presentation just to see if they were aware on anything to do with Climate change.

The response from the students was impressive, they were aware and had basic knowledge on the topic. Hence we just provided more information and the back ground of climate change as well as to explain to them the importance of participating. We encouraged the students to take the information that we had given to them home so as to play a big role in climate justice and also plant trees In the next tree planting day both at community level as well as house hold level
In conclusion, the total number of students that we addressed from form 1 to form 6 were 948 students during assembly time.

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