Deadline: 8 January 2024
The Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) is inviting applications from eligible companies, organizations, and individuals who wish to register as suppliers and service providers for the period 2024 to 2025 in the following categories:
1. Construction
2. Office maintenance and repairs (including blinds, roof repairs)
3. Office cleaning and disinfection (including ground maintenance)
4. Plumbing repairs
5. Electrical repairs (including solar repairs, installation)
6. Network solutions (including laptop repairs, printer repairs and software upgrades)
7. ICT hardware (laptops, printers, routers,)
8. Corporate wear
9. Office furniture and equipment
10. Accommodation and conference facilities
11. Design and printing of IEC materials
12. Air conditioners supply and maintenance
13. Sanitary disposal services
14. Vehicle hiring services
15. Audio visual equipment
16. Consultant in:
- Mining and extractive industry
- Land and natural resources
- Responsible investments and business
- Local service delivery and governance
- Climate change and energy
17. Translation services
18. Travel agents
19. Vehicle servicing and repairs
Requirements for submission
1. A detailed company profile
2. Copy of CR14 (clearly showing directorship)
3. Copy of certificate of Incorporation
4. Copy of tax clearance
5. Copy of VAT registration certificate
6. Valid banking details with a statement for at least 3 months
7. Physical and postal address
8. At least 3 traceable references
ALL applications to be submitted on or before 8 JANUARY 2024, to
Applications must be clearly labelled: ‘SUPPLIER REGISTRATION 2024-2025 and the CATEGORY BEING APPLIED FOR’
*NB: This is purely an invitation to register as a supplier and does not constitute a commitment to purchase or any other form of contractual commitment with the Contracting Authority.
*ZELA does not charge any fee for registration of suppliers.